Taurus Digital

To complement our comprehensive suite of wealth management offerings, Taurus Wealth constantly reviews the emerging landscape of digitally offered innovative and disruptive services and technologies with a view to fostering partnerships that further enhances the value proposition and experience of our Clients.
BondEvalue BondbloX
Operating under the aegis of a Registered Market Operator (RMO) License granted by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), BondEvalue is the World’s first Blockchain-based Bond Exchange for holding and trading of fractional Bonds (BondbloX). The notional value of each BondbloX corresponds to units of $1,000 each derived from fractionalizing eligible Bonds (of usual denomination of around $200,000 each) supplied by investors and Market Makers active on the Exchange.

BondEvalue is a leading fixed income-focused fintech that has launched the world's first fractional bond exchange – BondbloX Bond Exchange (“BBX”). Regulated by Monetary Authority of Singapore, BBX transforms the bond market globally by enabling investors to trade fractional bonds (“BondbloX”) digitally via partner banks and brokers. BondbloX provides investors instant access to bond markets and diversification opportunities for their investment portfolio.
Access to the exchange
Investors looking to access the Exchange must be admitted through Member Participants duly authorized by the Exchange. Taurus Singapore is proud to have been assessed and admitted onto the Exchange as its first Agent Member Participant.
- Taurus Singapore offers its Clients a customized interface through which the accountholders may access and operate their account on the Exchange.
- All related assets (cash and Bonds) of accountholders are held by the designated institutional Custodian Bank of the Exchange (Northern Trust)
- Taurus Singapore extends Member Participant services to eligible “Accredited Investors” (as ascribed per definition of the MAS) who are interested in opening and operating an account on the BondbloX Exchange.

Should you be interested in opening a BondbloX account through Taurus Singapore, kindly let us
know of your interest by sharing your details against the Enquiry link below:
All data and information provided hereinbelow shall be used, processed or disclosed by Taurus Wealth Advisors Pte. Ltd. in accordance with Personal Data Protection Act (Act 26 of 2012 of Singapore)
Link for existing Account Holders: https://www.taurus.bondblox.com/